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Thread: 5 Vegas

  1. #1

    Default 5 Vegas

    I'm smoking a 5 Vegas that's been sitting in the box for 6 months. I smoked 2 before burying them and I must say they are improving nicely, as I've read several times. I've got 3 boxes total and I'm excited. Very good smoke.

    Just thought I'd throw some cigar talk out there. This is still a cigar board right?
    Originally Posted by Heftysmokes:
    Maybe I should do a movie review on Apollo 13 and tell you all "that's as real as it gets" since I'm a fucking astronaut.

  2. #2


    Good to know... I have a few of them sitting in my humidor that I've been waiting on.

    As a side story, that relates to Chris and 5 Vegas, I got my first 5 vegas cigar from as part of a contest prize.

    However, it was a rather large gauge, and I didn't have a cutter that would fit the size of it. So, I was desperate and tried to use a pair of scissors. My theory was that if I cut hard enough, the power would make up for the dullness of the blade. This was a terrible idea... I broke the scissors and mangled the cigar. However, I would not be deterred. So I went to the kitchen and got a butcher knife. Again, I tried going with brute force and no results. Finally, I got another pair of scissors and managed to get the cap off the cigar.

    At this point the cigar looked terrible, but I was determined to smoke it. I tried like normal, but the draw wasn't doing anything. So i resorted to sticking about 2 inches of the cigar in my mouth, thinking that maybe the smoke was escaping from the sides. This worked somewhat, but made for a completely unenjoyable experience. So I finally gave up.

    Needless to say, this was one of my most newb moments. I'm not exactly proud of it, but I figured the story needed to be told and this was as good of a time as any to tell it.

  3. #3
    john51277 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by derivation View Post
    My theory was that if I cut hard enough, the power would make up for the dullness of the blade. This was a terrible idea... I broke the scissors and mangled the cigar. However, I would not be deterred. So I went to the kitchen and got a butcher knife. Again, I tried going with brute force and no results. Finally, I got another pair of scissors

    Rub some dirt on it and try again tomorrow.

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