Quote Originally Posted by Maduro Man View Post

With all due respect I was just really trying to get some info on the CAO line of smokes. I did not intend to step on any toes or piss any of you off. Please accept my apology to all of you. I really don’t see how saying that “CS is not a place for asses is helping me with info”

On the other hand, please accept my apology for the disrespect… I was just trying to get some info. I will try to word my future questions more carefully.

Maduro Man
You are either a really bad troll, paranoid or so damn stupid I doubt you could breath without someone helping you to remember to inhale.

"CS... a bad place for asses" is ggiese's member title, not part of his response to you. He gave you info about CAO. Then you called him a douche for it.

Now you are going back and editing your posts. Classy. By the way, stop reporting ggiese. I am one of the 2 mods here and we aren't banning him because you are to stupid to figure out how to read a post. Dimwit!