so I think it should have something to do with pink salmon. Because this just seems like a good idea, I mean what goes together better than a brothel interview and pink salmon. This would have to be one of the greatest things I have ever seen. Speaking of great things that I have seen, I recently saw the most extraordinary thing ever in my life. It is a movie called Sasquatch on Mars. Its a very interesting documentary about Sasquatch's journey to the planet Mars, and all the cool adventures that he goes through along the way and while on mars. It is just a phenomenal movie that I highly recommended to anyone. The one scene that takes place on mars, involves Sasquatch playing volley ball with these HOT martian babes, and he starts hitting it off with the cutest one of the group. It is so gripping that it has you rooting for his success. One of the other great scenes is when an invading force comes to conquer mars, and Sasqatch's new girlfriend gets taken away by this mysterious force, and he has to travel to farthest reaches of the galaxy for love, sex, and rock n roll. Luckily for him he finds an old abandoned space shuttle from our various mars expeditions and and is able to outfit it with a kick ass stereo system to blast the great sounds of rock n roll through the galaxy while on his travels. While traveling to rescue his girlfriend he meets several other alien races on his way, and introduces them to sweet sounds of rock n roll. Sasquacth is finds out that he is able to unify the galaxy withe sounds of.......