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Thread: this Bitch needs a bullet

  1. #1

    Thumbs down this Bitch needs a bullet

    "If it Bleeds We can Kill it"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Toronto, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by bluesman455
    HOLY CRAP! I've seen some crazy shit in my time but this is beyond comment.

    The Internet - All the Piracy, None of the Scurvy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Auburn, California


    Oh you gotta love the religious fanatics.

    She is no better than the terrorists who have mutated the Islamic religion to their political and evil purposes.

    I think I will go back and try to find out what the name of her church is and try to contact them
    Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry. - - Mark Twain

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    San Antonio TX


    A bullet would be to quick...

    Raisins: + 12 1/2
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Holy Crap!

    I cannot believe this lady, and I use that term very loosely. What kills me is her stoic face when she mentions this stuff! This lady is that person who gives religion a bad name. Any one down for some good old fashioned base ball bat justice? We could go herf afterwards.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Westminster, CO


    She's a nut... plain & simple!

  7. #7


    unbelievable. un- believable.
    Look at that... I plumb got myself 5 raisins and 7 termites.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Maple Shade , NJ


    This church is probably full of in-breeding nut's . I saw a picture a while back from a funeral protest of a deceased soldier , this has to be the nut it was from . She better pray she never runs into me . This is just sickening .

  9. #9

    Default the apple don't fall far from the tree

    That is Fred Phelps daughter; it is no surprise to hear this
    crap coming from her mouth.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Iowa City, Iowa


    I posted about these wackos a couple of weeks ago on another bb.

    Count me in on the clubbing!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    San Bernardino, CA


    Yeah, Ive heard her on a few radio talk shows out here in So Cali and I cant believe the stuff that she says and that her "religion" backs.

    In their eyes, if you, someone you love, or anyone for that fact, die of anything other than natural causes, then you did something wrong in your life and God meant for you to die that way. Whether it was a car accidnent, terrorist act, or a stray bullet from a shooting range, 2 miles from your house, they believe that if you dont die by natural causes, God is punishing you for what you did.

    If any of my friends or family were to come home in a casket (god forbid) from fighting for their country and these people were at his or her funeral, there would be an ass kicking going on that day also. I cant believe that its even allowed at funerals like that.

    Theres also a biker "gang" that goes around following these people that dont allow them to interfere with the funerals of soldiers. They sing songs and what not while these people are trying to scream their profanities. I forget what the name of the biker gang (I use that term loosely because they arent a real gang), but I think they are veterans also.
    2 Funky Chickens!
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  12. #12
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    I just sent off one of my best friends to Iraq this afternoon. I'm scared shitless considering what his job description is when he hits the ground running early next week. Watching this video just churns my stomach. I mean holy shit.

    I'm pretty open minded about most topics. While I might not agree with a reasoning for war the simple fact is that those men risk their lives for our honor.

    If one of these fuckers showed up to a friend of mines funeral, I would end up in jail. I don't think I have enough self control.

  13. #13
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    I believe in personal freedoms. I've always been the type of person that feels that if you don't steal from or physically harm someone then by all means go about your business. If you harm your self, its your own doing.

    I believe in freedom of speech. If a government censors its people and keeps them from speaking up, it can only lead to the erosion of our basic human rights.

    But to protest someone’s funeral? It almost hurts me to say it, but that simply should not be protected by our First Amendment.

    It’s probably because my buddy is on his way over, but I'm just livid about this.

  14. #14


    They're not worth of a bullet. A trash bag over the head and a stun gun. They're reusable.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Iowa City, Iowa


    Quote Originally Posted by nhcigarfan
    They're not worth of a bullet. A trash bag over the head and a stun gun. They're reusable.
    True, but there's something satisfying about the pop of the gun, and the screaming and writhing from the recently lost kneecap, while yelling "your god must be really pissed at you"!

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    San Bernardino, CA


    Yeah, this is just rediculous what they are doing. Its not even for anything the soldiers did. They are going and saying they are gay and what not, when im sure 99.99999% of the time its not true. That shouldnt be allowed anywhere.
    2 Funky Chickens!
    2.5 Pomegranates

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Toronto, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by Cabaiguan Juan
    Any one down for some good old fashioned base ball bat justice? We could go herf afterwards.

    The Internet - All the Piracy, None of the Scurvy

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Lawrence, KS


    Be happy that you don't live in the same town with them. The Phelps family has been infamous in Topeka for many years. Unfortunately in the last few years they have gained not only national but also international attention. The BBC did a story on them several months ago. Fred Phelps was at one time a well know civil rights attorney but was disbarred. Many of his children continue to practice law and manage to stop almost every attempt to limit their activities. They are by most definitions a cult. The group is mostly Fred's extended family, children, grandchildren, greatgrand children and in-laws. Their church, the Westboro Baptist Church, is in a 2 block walled compound where most of them also live.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Toronto, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by Hiker56
    Be happy that you don't live in the same town with them. The Phelps family has been infamous in Topeka for many years. Unfortunately in the last few years they have gained not only national but also international attention. The BBC did a story on them several months ago. Fred Phelps was at one time a well know civil rights attorney but was disbarred. Many of his children continue to practice law and manage to stop almost every attempt to limit their activities. They are by most definitions a cult. The group is mostly Fred's extended family, children, grandchildren, greatgrand children and in-laws. Their church, the Westboro Baptist Church, is in a 2 block walled compound where most of them also live.
    They don't serve koolaid there do they?

    The Internet - All the Piracy, None of the Scurvy

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Iowa City, Iowa


    Does anybody know when the next comet is passing close to Earth?

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