Hey Guys!

I have been browsing around on this site for a few weeks and I have decided to join and introduce myself.

My name is Travis and I am a photographer in upstate, SC. Been married 5 years and have a wonderful 2 year old boy.

I enjoyed some good sticks in college with some friends on my hall.. However I have had my head out of the "smoke" for a while now and I am looking to get back into it.

Purchased a small humidor 50-75 ct. some beads.. now I need some sticks.. I am thinking of checking the newbie exchange if its still going on.

I lookfoward to speaking with you and "mooching" your knowledge.. I promise I wont ask for free ISOMs.

I do have a question...
How Many of you enjoy our common intrest of But Hate Cigarettes??? Just a thought?

Thanks and Take Care!