Back from a very successful hunt. We came home with 3 deer, a calf moose and an elk I bagged the morning we returned home.

Now that all the work is done I have a freezer full of meat again and so far this past week I have enjoyed an elk pot roast, elk meat loaf, and calf moose liver.

My wife, having cooked professionally in the past makes liver that's to die for. If you like liver, you'd love hers and the calf moose liver was unbelievable.

If any of you liver lovers ever get a chance to try some elk or moose liver, or deer for that matter, you have to soak the liver in milk for at least 12 hours prior to cooking. Preferably about 24. This leeches out the irony taste that turns so many off to wild liver. Oh, just FYI, when making beef liver, my wife still soaks it in milk for at least an hour first for the same reason.