2 pals get high, get pistol & gun each other down

Two men who were fatally shot in Brooklyn on Thursday night managed to kill each other with the same gun, police said yesterday.
Kenny Berry, 27, and Jon Shuler, 20, were smoking marijuana in a vacant first-floor apartment in Crown Heights when they got into an argument - the latest of many between the pair - over a small amount of money, police said.

An enraged Shuler left the St. Marks Ave. building just before 9 p.m., only to return minutes later with a handgun. He pumped several bullets into Berry's chest, a witness told police. The mortally wounded Berry managed to grab the gun from Shuler and shoot him once in the stomach before collapsing, police said. Shuler then staggered outside and fell to the ground.

The witness called 911, and both wounded men were rushed to local hospitals - Berry to Kings County, Shuler to St. John's Episcopal - where each died within three hours, police said.