While I love the high dollar stogies my newest everday smoke is Trinidad y Cia ( corona ). I smoke 3-6 a day every day and found this one from JR's to fit the bill.( I think their less than 15$ for 20 ) It's a sandwich cigar that burns great with a smooth flavor. As some of you might remember I smoke 3-6 stogies a day and for my wallet I have to have an inexpensive daytime smoke. After the day is over I get a cold one or a three finger JACK and smoke a better one. I like Baccrat and Punch. I While I prefer them there is no way I can huff 35-45$ a day. Sorry guys, i'm just a working man with expensive taste, but I will make do when I have to. GOD bless ya'll who can afford to smoke the good stuff reguraly.

Go for it Rick