Quote Originally Posted by cinda View Post
What the cooling off period really does is gives people a chance to remember all the reason why they want the divorce. All the reason why their the injured party and enough time to form a camp, get a lawyer and begin the war. A year later find themselves in the middle of a trial because one or both parties doesn't feel that rotating the child among the holidays every other year is fair. End result kids are rotated between mom and dad and the lawyers fee's just for the trial would put the child though the first year of a really nice college. Bottom line you drive the bus during the divorce and you have a choice to drive it right off a cliff if you choose. You can decide to put your kids though college or your lawyers children though college. Some times the last word is not about getting the china it is about getting out of the judicial system with your self respect and your bank account. Lastly and most importantly for all who have children it is getting though a divorce with your children's mental health in tact. Adult problems should never be children's problems.
-Amen to that sistah, .

Quote Originally Posted by nhcigarfan View Post
If this includes waiting for your case to be called, then I take the over. If this is just from when the clerk calls your case until the Judge says your done. I'll take the under.
-to clairify, i taking over from when he gets called from the clerk.