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Thread: Introduction

  1. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cigary View Post
    I was almost impressed with your diatribe until I realized once again that you and Basil love to talk out of your ass and think you know more than anyone. You guys crack me up as I read your commentaries of things you have absolutely no knowledge whatsoever but if it makes you feel superior then by all means keep it up. By the way, I don't troll and I'm sure you will make a big stink again and impress yourself with another monologue,,(yawn).

    Every once in a while I check in to see if you grown up yet and as such I see you still hang on to this like a parasite. You love this and I'm happy to oblige you so that you can puff out that big oratorical chest of yours and spout all kinds of stuff. Come on you big stud, impress all of us again with your grandstanding speeches. I know secretly that you like me to come on here cuz it makes you feel all superior and that's what I'm here for is to help make your day,,,or not. Do ya like it so far? And if not then I suggest you do what Basil does,,,suck it til ya do.
    This thread was dead for 3 weeks until this. The fact you couldn't leave it be proves your trollness.

  2. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cigary View Post
    I was almost impressed with your diatribe until I realized once again that you and Basil love to talk out of your ass and think you know more than anyone. You guys crack me up as I read your commentaries of things you have absolutely no knowledge whatsoever but if it makes you feel superior then by all means keep it up. By the way, I don't troll and I'm sure you will make a big stink again and impress yourself with another monologue,,(yawn).

    Every once in a while I check in to see if you grown up yet and as such I see you still hang on to this like a parasite. You love this and I'm happy to oblige you so that you can puff out that big oratorical chest of yours and spout all kinds of stuff. Come on you big stud, impress all of us again with your grandstanding speeches. I know secretly that you like me to come on here cuz it makes you feel all superior and that's what I'm here for is to help make your day,,,or not. Do ya like it so far? And if not then I suggest you do what Basil does,,,suck it til ya do.
    I have never been impressed with your diatribe since I realized right on that you love to talk out of your ass and think you know more than anyone (...yawn.)

    troll on...

  3. #103
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    Before I can focus on the ignorance that abounds in Cigary's mottos, I must qualify Cigary's character, his sources, and even his personal frame of mind towards me. So let's begin, quite properly, with a brief look at the historical development of the problem, of its attempted solutions, and of the eternal argument about it. Cigary likes to quote all of the saccharine, sticky moralisms about "human rights" and the evils of fanaticism. But as soon as we stop paying attention, he invariably instructs his subalterns to bask in the disaffected shine of exhibitionism. Then, when someone notices, the pattern repeats from the beginning. Though this game may seem perverse beyond belief to any sane individual it makes perfect sense in light of Cigary's sniffish, ultra-dodgy publications.

    Everyone ought to read my award-winning essay, "The Naked Aggression of Cigary". In it, I chronicle all of Cigary's viewpoints from the untrustworthy to the twisted and conclude that we must address the continued social injustice shown by gormless shysters. Those who claim otherwise do so only to justify their own pernicious dissertations. There are two things about his reports that I find personally offensive, completely unethical, and quite sad. One is that his madness is the direct consequence of self-hatred, false assumptions about society, and stupidity. And the other is that hideous and shameless, his magic-bullet explanations resemble a dilapidated shed. Kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will collapse, proving my claim that Cigary wants you to believe that he has been robbed of all he does not possess. You should be wary of such claims. Be aware! Be skeptical! Think! Do not be diverted, deceived, or mesmerized by Cigary's dour excuses.

    Don't misunderstand me; I'm not saying that honesty and responsibility have no cash value and are therefore worthless. In fact, it is pointless to fret about the damage already caused by his heartless artifices. The past cannot be changed. We must cope with the present if we hope to affect our future and shape a world of dignity and harmony, a world of justice, solidarity, liberty, and prosperity. Whenever Cigary announces that my bitterness at him is merely the latent projection of libidinal energy stemming from self-induced anguish, his drones applaud on cue and the accolades are long and ostentatious. What's funny is that they don't provide similar feedback whenever I tell them that I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people. I can therefore assure you that far too many people tolerate Cigary's rejoinders as long as they're presented in small, seemingly harmless doses. What these people fail to realize, however, is that I am more than merely surprised by Cigary's willingness to demand that Earth submit to the dominion of stentorian ratbags. I'm shocked, shocked. And, as if that weren't enough, some people say that that isn't sufficient evidence to prove that Cigary is secretly scheming to create an untrue and injurious impression of an entire people. And I must agree; one needs much more evidence than that. But the evidence is there, for anyone who isn't afraid to look at it. Just look at the way that I think that his manuscripts resonate with the deviltry of tribalism. You probably think that too. But Cigary does not think that. Cigary thinks that he can absorb mana by devouring his nemeses' brains. One last thing: Cigary's sense of humor runs the gamut from rude and crude to jackbooted and oligophrenic.

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cigary View Post
    I was almost impressed with your diatribe until I realized once again that you and Basil love to talk out of your ass and think you know more than anyone. You guys crack me up as I read your commentaries of things you have absolutely no knowledge whatsoever but if it makes you feel superior then by all means keep it up. By the way, I don't troll and I'm sure you will make a big stink again and impress yourself with another monologue,,(yawn).

    Every once in a while I check in to see if you grown up yet and as such I see you still hang on to this like a parasite. You love this and I'm happy to oblige you so that you can puff out that big oratorical chest of yours and spout all kinds of stuff. Come on you big stud, impress all of us again with your grandstanding speeches. I know secretly that you like me to come on here cuz it makes you feel all superior and that's what I'm here for is to help make your day,,,or not. Do ya like it so far? And if not then I suggest you do what Basil does,,,suck it til ya do.
    lmfao! fuck. A troll that doesn't recognize itself even in a mirror. "I don't troll . . . " wow. ok. If we stop calling you a pathetic fuck will you stop coming back?
    Equality is not seeing different things equally. It's seeing different things differently.
    - Tom Robbins

    - Like I needed you to tell me I'm a fucking prick . . . Did you think you're posting some front page news? I am a fucking prick . . . - MarineOne

  5. #105
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    Wednesday, September 24, 2008 4:54:08 PM

    Dear ggiese,

    Cigary has just tried to send you a private message. However, your private messages box on Cigar community and forum has reached the specified quota.

    All the best,
    Cigar community and forum
    Oh look! Cigary tried to PM me and could not get the message through. He is no doubt kicking the crap out of his computer right now out of frustration.

    Shucks - I really wanted to see a good case of diarrhea of the mouth with no substance. Oh, well - I guess I can instead torture myself by watching a Spongebob Squarepants cartoon marathon to get my fix of absolute useless and insane nonsense.

  6. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by basil View Post
    lmfao! fuck. A troll that doesn't recognize itself even in a mirror. "I don't troll . . . " wow. ok. If we stop calling you a pathetic fuck will you stop coming back?
    I hope he posts at least once a vocabulary is increasing with each post that ggiese makes in response. I love to learn.

  7. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by ggiese View Post
    snip......."The Naked Aggression of Cigary".......End snip
    Are there any naked women in this story? Any Pictars of said naked women?
    Yay! Cigars!

  8. #108
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    Did someone say NAKED WOMEN???

    doesn't it seem like some asshat troll phuktards are like comets?
    "We're at NOW now... everything that's hapening now... is happening NOW!"

    ~ Col. Sanders ~

    "I guess all we need to do now is give a shit what you think. I'll work on that."

    ~ ashauler ~

  9. #109


  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by ashauler View Post
    I hope he posts at least once a vocabulary is increasing with each post that ggiese makes in response. I love to learn.
    No kiddin'. I'm feelin' smarter too.

    I think fucktardary will keep coming back for the abuse - it makes him feel noticed. That's one of the hallmarks of a troll though - a huge appetite for shit sandwiches.
    Equality is not seeing different things equally. It's seeing different things differently.
    - Tom Robbins

    - Like I needed you to tell me I'm a fucking prick . . . Did you think you're posting some front page news? I am a fucking prick . . . - MarineOne

  11. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizicke5273 View Post
    Are there any naked women in this story? Any Pictars of said naked women?

    Be very careful about what you ask for... It's got cottage cheese written ALL over it...

  12. #112
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    Before I can focus on the ignorance that abounds in Cigary's threats, I must qualify Cigary's character, his sources, and even his personal frame of mind towards me. I guess I should start by saying that Cigary has already begun destroying our moral fiber. I wish I were joking but I'm not. What's more, I don't believe that cultural tradition has never contributed a single thing to the advancement of knowledge or understanding. So when he says that that's what I believe, I see how little he understands my position. I claim that there may be nothing we can do to prevent him from making good on his word to enthrone falsehood in the very center of human thought. When we compare this disturbing conclusion to the comforting picture purveyed by his shills, we experience psychological stress or "cognitive dissonance". Our only recourse is to lend support to the thesis that to deny this is to deny science, let alone the evidence of one's own powers of observation.

    If I said that Cigary is a man of peace, I'd be a liar. But I'd be being totally honest if I said that if I thought that his magic-bullet explanations had even a snowball's chance in Hell of doing anything good for anyone, then I wouldn't be so critical. As they stand, however, I can conclude only that if Cigary can't cite the basis for his claim that it's inappropriate to teach children right from wrong then he should just shut up about it. Cigary has never satisfactorily proved his assertion that his bloodthirsty band is a benign and charitable agency. He has merely justified that assertion with the phrase, "Because I said so." I would not have thought it possible that juxtaposed to this is the idea that he uses a litany of euphemisms, buzz words, and doublespeak to help him lower our standard of living, but it's absolutely true. To those flighty tossers who think that Cigary is a model citizen, know this: Cigary has repeatedly threatened to force onto us the degradation and ignominy that he is known to revel in. Maybe that's just for maximum scaremongering effect. Or maybe it's because Cigary's screeds are destructive. They're morally destructive, socially destructive -- even intellectually destructive. And, as if that weren't enough, Cigary tends to forget what matters most. It follows from this that no one has a higher opinion of him than I, and I think he's a crude practitioner of moral relativism.

    Cigary says that all it takes to solve our social woes are shotgun marriages, heavy-handed divorce laws, and a return to some mythical 1950s Shangri-la. The inference is that those who disagree with Cigary should be cast into the outer darkness, should be shunned, should starve. I'm happy to report that I can't follow that logic. Sure, the things he does are wrong, scary, closed-minded, pesky -- you name it. But if I recall correctly, according to Cigary, some people deserve to feel safe while others do not. He might as well be reading tea leaves or tossing chicken bones on the floor for divination about what's true and what isn't. Maybe then Cigary would realize that it's definitely a tragedy that his goal in life is apparently to control, manipulate, and harm other people. Here, I use the word "tragedy" as the philosopher Whitehead used it. Whitehead stated that "the essence of dramatic tragedy is not unhappiness. It resides in the solemnity of the remorseless working of things," which I interpret as saying that Cigary has written volumes about how he has been robbed of all he does not possess. Don't believe a word of it, though. The truth is that by allowing him to twist the truth we are selling our souls for dross. Instead, we should be striving to prevent his obnoxious remonstrations from spreading like a malignant tumor. Because Cigary is so caught up in trying to alter, rewrite, or ignore past events to make them consistent with his current "reality", I'd like to conclude this post by quoting to him the last line of R. M. Rilke's poem, "Archaic Torso of Apollo": "You must change your life."

  13. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by ggiese View Post
    Be very careful about what you ask for... It's got cottage cheese written ALL over it...
    So your sayin Id need about a case or about a bottle of good vodka/scotch in me before they become hot? Hmm......
    Yay! Cigars!

  14. #114


    Good GOD,, George. I almost read some of that.

    Never assume malice when stupidity will suffice.
    Hanlon's Razor

  15. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by NullSmurf View Post
    Good GOD,, George. I almost read some of that.
    For real, I'm going to have to print that out and read a little each day.

  16. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by NullSmurf View Post
    Good GOD,, George. I almost read some of that.
    Bwahahah, dammit Bruce my coffee was still hot!!

  17. #117
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    Big words hurt my head this early in the morning

    I thought I was reading Tolkien
    "We're at NOW now... everything that's hapening now... is happening NOW!"

    ~ Col. Sanders ~

    "I guess all we need to do now is give a shit what you think. I'll work on that."

    ~ ashauler ~

  18. #118
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    I'm sorry folks - the breadth and depth of Cigary's insane behavior required a deep dive into the uncharted subliminal world. Fortunately - we can save these types of dissertations to only this thread.

    I must say, though - there must be some truth to it. Cigary seems extremely responsive to my analysis...

  19. Default

    my nutsak itches
    The older I get ,the better I was

  20. #120
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    It will honestly surprise some people to hear me say this, but aside from a few exceptions, this statement is certainly valid. To get right down to it, I am completely shocked and angered by Cigary's demented improprieties. Such shameful conduct should never be repeated. In the end, we have to ask, "Why is Cigary so compelled to complain about situations over which he has no control?" Many people consider that question irrelevant on the grounds that Cigary claims to be supportive of my plan to free people from the spell of irrationalism that he has cast over them. Don't trust him, though; he's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Before you know it, he'll force onto us the degradation and ignominy that he is known to revel in. Not only that, but mass anxiety is the equivalent of steroids for Cigary. If we feel helpless, Cigary is energized and ramps up his efforts to promote a herd mentality over principled, individual thought.

    Cigary has a glib proficiency with words and very sensitive nostrils. He can smell money in your pocket from a block away. Once that delicious aroma reaches Cigary's nostrils, he'll start talking about the joy of separatism and how he has achieved sainthood. As you listen to Cigary's sing-song, chances are you won't even notice his hand as it goes into your pocket. Only later, after you realize you've been robbed, will you truly understand that he will probably never understand why he scares me so much. And Cigary does scare me: His antics are scary, his sophistries are scary, and most of all, I want to stand up and fight for our heritage, traditions, and values. But first, let me pose an abstract question. What will be the next object of attack from his retinue? That's not a rhetorical question. What's more, the answer is so stunning that you may want to put down that cereal spoon before reading. You see, many people are shocked when I tell them that Cigary is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others. And I'm shocked that so many people are shocked. You see, I had thought everybody already knew that I like to face facts. I like to look reality right in the eye and not pretend it's something else. And the reality of our present situation is this: Cigary sometimes uses the word "anthropogeographical" when describing his assertions. Beware! This is a buzzword designed for emotional response.

    I want to thank Cigary for his press releases. They give me an excellent opportunity to illustrate just how cruel Cigary can be. He is doing everything in his power to make me get torn apart by wild dogs. The only reason I haven't yet is that I believe in the four P's: patience, prayer, positive thinking, and perseverance. If a cogent, logical argument entered Cigary's brain, no doubt a concussion would result.

    You won't find many of Cigary's intimates who will openly admit that they favor Cigary's schemes to overthrow all concepts of beauty and sublimity, of the noble and the good, and instead drag people down into the sphere of his own base nature. In fact, their invectives are characterized by a plethora of rhetoric to the contrary. If you listen closely, though, you'll hear how carefully they cover up the fact that Cigary's methods are much subtler now than ever before. Cigary is more adept at hidden mind control and his techniques of social brainwash are much more appealingly streamlined and homogenized. I don't want to overstate this point, but he has never disproved anything I've ever written. Cigary does, however, often try to discredit me by means of flagrant misquotations, by attributing to me views that I've never expressed. In the end, there's an important difference between me and Cigary. Namely, I am willing to die for my cause. Cigary, in contrast, is willing to kill for his -- or, if not to kill, at least to generate an epidemic of corruption and social unrest.

    There are two kinds of people in this world: decent, honest folks like you and me and the worst types of pestiferous combative-types there are like Cigary. I believe it was Hegel who said, "He revels in his pestilential campaign to inject his lethal poison into our children's minds and souls". When one looks at the increasing influence of masochism in our culture one sees that Cigary's signature is on everything. So how come his fingerprints are nowhere to be found? While I don't know the answer to that particular question, I do know that if you can go more than a minute without hearing Cigary talk about jujuism, you're either deaf, dumb, or in a serious case of denial.

    While I have no proof that Cigary gives me the heebie-jeebies, you should still believe me, as Cigary's list of sins is long and each one deserves more space than I have here. Therefore, rather than describe each one individually, I'll summarize by stating that I am certain that if I asked the next person I meet if he would want Cigary to threaten national security, he would say no. Yet we all stand idly by while Cigary claims that he is a model citizen. If I am correctly informed, his sense of humor runs the gamut from rude and crude to libidinous and lethargic. In any case, I am not fooled by Cigary's impulsive and eristic rhetoric. I therefore gladly accept the responsibility of notifying others that Cigary does not merely shower the most revolting lie-virtuosi you'll ever see with undeserved encomia. He does so consciously, deliberately, willfully, and methodically.

    Cigary will probably respond to this letter just like he responds to all criticism. He will put me down as "brusque" or "disingenuous". That's his standard answer to everyone who says or writes anything about him except the most fawning praise. What I just said is a very important point but I'm afraid a lot of readers might miss it so I'll say a few more words on the subject.

    Cigary's inveracities can be subtle. They can be so subtle that many people never realize they're being influenced by them. That's why we must proactively notify humanity that we should not concern ourselves with Cigary's putative virtue or vice. Rather, we should concern ourselves with our own welfare and with the fact that if I recall correctly, Cigary's acolytes believe that Cigary has the mandate of Heaven to bask in the flippant shine of hooliganism. Although it is perhaps impossible to change the perspective of those who have such beliefs, I wish nevertheless to provide you with a holistic and thematic history of his biggety attitudes. Finding the best way to get the Cigary monkey off our backs and off other people's backs as well is a challenging problem indeed. We must therefore tackle this problem with more determination, more tenacity, and more fanaticism than it has ever been tackled before. Only then will people realize that Cigary's arguments are enmeshed in nepotism. As long as I live, I will be shouting this truth from rooftops and doing everything I can to complain about what I call exploitative crybabies.

    When people say that bigotry and hate are alive and well, they're right. And Cigary is to blame. The public is like a giant that he has blindfolded, drugged, and gagged. This giant has plugs in his ears and Cigary leads him around by the nose. Clearly, such a giant needs to make Cigary answer for his wrongdoings. That's why I feel obligated to notify the giant (i.e., the public) that Cigary plans to initiate a reign of callous terror. What can you do about that? Start by reading about how Cigary should be regarded as a bęete noire. Become informed about the deceit, lies, and propanganda surrounding his promotion of absenteeism. Tell everyone you know that I believe in "live and let live". Cigary, in contrast, demands not only tolerance and acceptance of his wheelings and dealings but endorsement of them. It's because of such xenophobic demands that I warrant that I recommend paying close attention to the praxeological method developed by the economist Ludwig von Mises and using it as a technique to acquire the input of a representative cross-section of the community in a non-threatening, inclusive environment. The praxeological method is useful in this context because it employs praxeology, the general science of human action, to explain why Cigary plans to make my blood curdle. The result will be an amalgam of pugnacious teetotalism and prolix defeatism, if such a monster can be imagined.

    For heaven's sake, Cigary doesn't use words for communication or for exchanging information. He uses them to disarm, to hypnotize, to mislead, and to deceive. I feel funny having to tell readers whom I presume are adults that everyone knows of the lust and driving passion that has caused this problem. I bring that up solely to emphasize that I must admit that I've read only a small fraction of his writings. (As a well-known aphorism states, it is not necessary to eat all of an apple to learn that it is rotten.) Nevertheless, I've read enough of Cigary's writings to know that Cigary managed to convince a bunch of judgmental antagonists to help him criticize other people's beliefs, fashion sense, and lifestyle. What was the quid pro quo there? To answer that question, we need first to consider Cigary's thought process, which generally takes the following form: (1) Cigary is clean and bright and pure inside, so (2) he is beyond reproach. Therefore, (3) intransigent megalomaniacs have dramatically lower incidences of cancer, heart attacks, heart disease, and many other illnesses than the rest of us and thus, (4) the Universe belongs to him by right. As you can see, Cigary's reasoning makes no sense, which leads me to believe that his apologues are a logical absurdity, a series of deductions from a premise that has been denied. Speaking of absurdities, if Cigary's protégés had even an ounce of integrity they would put to rest the animosities that have kept various groups of people from enjoying anything other than superficial unity. The end.
    Last edited by ggiese; 09-27-2008 at 05:15 PM.

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