Do you not even consult a dictionary before you insist on answering or do you go to your own personal dictionary of made up words?

Drival= No such f'n word you asslicker,,,go to school for fuckssake

Dribble= slang for blithering non sensical bullshit

Geez, I now have to explain to you "words" on here and you have to use words that aren't even in the dictionary. Can you at least come out to play and not be in a drunken stupor or a drug induced coma?

And to Dustinpollock and the other "bigger dick",,,,get your own post and shit in there as this is mine and I own it along with Basil, AsHoler and DieselMyBitch.

Oh yeah, vacation was great and hope you didn't miss me too much. Let's keep this thing rolling along with some other stuff that's new. You're using the same old shit as usual and it smells like your collective breath, boys. Cmon, keep it fresh and maybe someone else will copy and paste your made up words like last time. geez, unreal.