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Thread: Introduction

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Some Chair in Greensburg, Pa


    Ya know I started to read that post but the cherry vodka and coke told me to stop. That it is too long for us right now. So I'm gonna take their advice and stop now. One day this week at work would be better.

    O and I love spell check. Really helps in situations like this.
    Yay! Cigars!

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    lunatic fringe


    I received this via PM (and threw in a few comments):

    Quote Originally Posted by Cigary View Post
    I see that you are all frequent visitors and just wondering if I should be flattered? I'm thinking NOT since you 3 all form the axis of dipshits and think you are getting to me. This has actually turned out to be kinda fun since this is something that you can't seem to turn away from and you think I really care about you trio.
    Aw, you care dude - otherwise why would you not be able to turn away?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cigary View Post
    Pass yourself off as something more than 'pretenders' in a cigar blog that was supposed to talk about cigar issues instead of personalities but since you are unable to do that then I will become your own personal pain in your ass.
    lmao. Pain in my ass? You funny. Stupid fuck, what you are is entertainment, ok, low-brow, knuckle-dragging, fart joke kind of entertainment, but entertainment all the same. You're the new chewtoy, and make no mistake, you are that and only that until we decide to throw your sorry ass out of here. In other words, you don't come on here to be anyone's pain in the ass, but instead to be laughed at for all the ways you display your trollesse. And, you're here because we say you can be.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cigary View Post
    I'm sure that all of your answers in the forum are all wonderful essays on how tough all of your jagoffs are and I especially loved one of the answers as one of you actually took the time to highlight in red some of what I say and then you actually went overtime into explaining your own unique way of intellectualizing,,,I love it when you guys do this because you think other people care about this drama. The real cigar smokes only care about issues that involve their hobby,,,not you children looking to puff out your little chests in a cigar forum. Seriously, you twits really need to get some couch time for this problem you have and seem to need all of this drama. I will know when you have grown up when you stop your antics of piling on but I know you can't resist.

    I look forward to helping you continue your psycho babble as I see ( or not see ) your answers as all I get to see is that you're still on IGNORE.

    Enjoy your day, boys as I know that you won't be able to stop yourselves from trying to answer so cut and paste again and tell any of your 'herd' how smart and tough you all are and how you "handled" me again with your prowess at typing answers that go nowhere. It's funny how much I control you now that you feel you have to answer all of this stuff,,,it's how your minds work and now this is fun controlling you schmucks!!
    What with the spelling, grammar, and mechanical errors, I suspect cumchuggary is at least to some degree drunk when he posts. But i dunno, maybe he's just simple. At any rate, go fuck yourself ieatshitary.

    Y'know, I don't think I've ever been called a "twit" before. I'm just stunned.
    Equality is not seeing different things equally. It's seeing different things differently.
    - Tom Robbins

    - Like I needed you to tell me I'm a fucking prick . . . Did you think you're posting some front page news? I am a fucking prick . . . - MarineOne

  3. #123


    I'm so proud of myself. I one of the 3.


  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel Grinch View Post
    I'm so proud of myself. I one of the 3.

    Damn, I am flabbergasted to be included in the Axis of Dipshits,,,,the A.O.D!! Just so that we have it preserved for posterity, and possibly to serve as our charter as we take up the mantle of Dipshits everywhere, here is my copy in its entirety:

    Quote Originally Posted by cigary via PM
    I see that you are all frequent visitors and just wondering if I should be flattered? I'm thinking NOT since you 3 all form the axis of dipshits and think you are getting to me. This has actually turned out to be kinda fun since this is something that you can't seem to turn away from and you think I really care about you trio.

    Pass yourself off as something more than 'pretenders' in a cigar blog that was supposed to talk about cigar issues instead of personalities but since you are unable to do that then I will become your own personal pain in your ass. I'm sure that all of your answers in the forum are all wonderful essays on how tough all of your jagoffs are and I especially loved one of the answers as one of you actually took the time to highlight in red some of what I say and then you actually went overtime into explaining your own unique way of intellectualizing,,,I love it when you guys do this because you think other people care about this drama. The real cigar smokes only care about issues that involve their hobby,,,not you children looking to puff out your little chests in a cigar forum. Seriously, you twits really need to get some couch time for this problem you have and seem to need all of this drama. I will know when you have grown up when you stop your antics of piling on but I know you can't resist.

    I look forward to helping you continue your psycho babble as I see ( or not see ) your answers as all I get to see is that you're still on IGNORE.

    Enjoy your day, boys as I know that you won't be able to stop yourselves from trying to answer so cut and paste again and tell any of your 'herd' how smart and tough you all are and how you "handled" me again with your prowess at typing answers that go nowhere. It's funny how much I control you now that you feel you have to answer all of this stuff,,,it's how your minds work and now this is fun controlling you schmucks!!

  5. #125
    Join Date
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    Welcome form CO.

  6. #126
    Join Date
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    lunatic fringe


    Quote Originally Posted by denver24 View Post
    Welcome form CO.
    Equality is not seeing different things equally. It's seeing different things differently.
    - Tom Robbins

    - Like I needed you to tell me I'm a fucking prick . . . Did you think you're posting some front page news? I am a fucking prick . . . - MarineOne

  7. #127
    Join Date
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    lunatic fringe


    Let's see,

    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel Grinch View Post
    I'm so proud of myself. I one of the 3.


    Quote Originally Posted by ashauler View Post
    Damn, I am flabbergasted to be included in the Axis of Dipshits,,,,the A.O.D!! Just so that we have it preserved for posterity, and possibly to serve as our charter as we take up the mantle of Dipshits everywhere, here is my copy in its entirety:

    George, um, me. Hm. Well, after three, shittardary seems to get all fucked up.
    Equality is not seeing different things equally. It's seeing different things differently.
    - Tom Robbins

    - Like I needed you to tell me I'm a fucking prick . . . Did you think you're posting some front page news? I am a fucking prick . . . - MarineOne

  8. #128
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    42 Vine cir. clearfield, ut 84015


    Quote Originally Posted by basil View Post

    LMFAO man it never fails by the way welcome from utah


    “I like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running from one falling star to another till i drop. This is the night, what it does to you. I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion.”

  9. #129


    So my E-penis was feeling really long after going over this thread. I haven't gone after Cigary since pointing out his asshatery. To be able to send such fear into all troll's just by shinning a light onto them. Maybe it's my gleaming sword and armor. For now on I shall be referred to as:

    Diesel Grinch
    Senior Bastid
    Hunter and Slayer of Trolls!

    Any of my fans feel free to send gifts of graditude to me. Addy in profile.

    Last edited by Diesel Grinch; 09-30-2008 at 08:12 AM.

  10. #130
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    So what, no pride in being one of the AOD.....

  11. #131
    Join Date
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    After reviewing Basils’ post, quoted above, it became clear to me that Cigary has fastidiously refused to bestow the proper respect upon our senior member in this dispute, ggiese by failing to include him in the latest group to be ostracized from his fantasy world, the supposed and infamous A. O. D., or more properly the Axis of Dipshits.

    Since the resulting fall-out from this faux pas will certainly be exceedingly demoralizing to Cigary, I had the notion that I would write about something positive and optimistic instead of going on about how rummy Cigary is. Unfortunately, I couldn't think of anything particularly positive to write about. So, instead, I'll just tell you that Cigary is always trying to worm his way into everything through back-room dealing and hidden communications. Before examining the present situation, however, it is important that I warn the public against those damnable, tasteless extremists whose positive accomplishments are always practically nil but whose conceit can scarcely be excelled, i.e. Cigary and his cronies. His historical record of malicious and erroneous views is clearer than the muddled pronouncements of his goombahs. I put that observation in this post just to let you see that he gets a lot of perks from the system. True to form, Cigary ceaselessly moves the goalposts to prevent others from benefiting from the same perks. This suggests that some headstrong twerp actually believes that the boards’ security can and should be sidestepped whenever his personal interests are at stake. Incredible? Some people have told me that Cigary has the authority to issue licenses for practicing stoicism. With such people roaming about, it should come as no surprise to you that I correctly predicted that he would engage in phucktardary. Alas, I didn't think he'd do that so effectively -- or so soon.

    My wish to be polite notwithstanding, I must remark that we have a dilemma of leviathan proportions on our hands: Should we fight for what is right, or is it sufficient to embrace the cause of self-determination and recognize the leading role and clearer understanding of those people for whom the quintessential struggle is an encompassing liberation movement against the totality of jingoism as it relates to our beloved board? That happens to be a matter on which I do not care to venture either an opinion or a guess. I do, however, feel that I should state that Cigary has a talent for inventing fantasy worlds in which "the truth", "the whole truth", and "nothing but the truth" are three different things. Then again, just because Cigary is a prolific fantasist doesn't mean that he would sooner give up money, fame, power, and happiness than perform a counter-productive act. To paraphrase a line from Hamlet, "Bonapartism, thy name is Cigary".

    And there you have it. Cigary should feel ashamed of himself.

  12. #132


    Quote Originally Posted by ashauler View Post
    So what, no pride in being one of the AOD.....
    It doesn't fit under my name. See if I work it out.


  13. #133



    Diesel Grinch
    Senior Bastid
    Hunter and Slayer of Trolls!


  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel Grinch View Post
    It doesn't fit under my name. See if I work it out.


  15. #135
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Precipitously close to disaster.


    The only AOD I know (and care to know) is the brother of my best friend. Properly termed the "Angel of Death", he is well known in our circle for leaving a swath of destruction in his wake after he arrives at our local watering hole. In the front door, several "Lunch Box's", "Viper's" and a few odd and end Yaegermeister's later he exits the establishment leaving the entire crowd on the floor, semi-conscious.

    I really don't equate cigar-wee in that same vein - he's to starchy for that debauchery...

  16. #136
    Cigary Guest


    [QUOTE=Diesel Grinch;116580]So my E-penis was feeling really long after going over this thread. I haven't gone after Cigary since pointing out his asshatery. To be able to send such fear into all troll's just by shinning a light onto them. Maybe it's my gleaming sword and armor. For now on I shall be referred to as:

    Diesel Grinch
    Senior Bastid
    Hunter and Slayer of Trolls!

    Any of my fans feel free to send gifts of graditude to me. Addy in profile.

    OMG,,,from hereon you shall be known as the Anus of Grinchdom. How old are you for Gods sake with this infantile dribble? The only fear you send is the stench of gas that comes out of your wretched mouth. Keep it coming Diesel as I stand in awe of your new low of being a complete douchebag. Your parents must be so proud of the prodigy they raised but then again we'd have to single out just exactly who your Daddy was when your mom was frequenting the docks. I'm thinking with the gene pool so shallow its no wonder you act like the peckerwood you are so I guess it really isn't all your fault. Good thing mom wasn't a sheepherder or you'd be wearing a bell around your neck today. I crack myself up sometimes. Just came in to see if you are still leaving me notes that I can't read,,,except for this one. Come on back and put some more fear into me Diesel so you can continue to be my bitch on here.

  17. #137


    Quote Originally Posted by Cigary View Post
    OMG,,,from hereon you shall be known as the Anus of Grinchdom. How old are you for Gods sake with this infantile dribble? The only fear you send is the stench of gas that comes out of your wretched mouth. Keep it coming Diesel as I stand in awe of your new low of being a complete douchebag. Your parents must be so proud of the prodigy they raised but then again we'd have to single out just exactly who your Daddy was when your mom was frequenting the docks. I'm thinking with the gene pool so shallow its no wonder you act like the peckerwood you are so I guess it really isn't all your fault. Good thing mom wasn't a sheepherder or you'd be wearing a bell around your neck today. I crack myself up sometimes. Just came in to see if you are still leaving me notes that I can't read,,,except for this one. Come on back and put some more fear into me Diesel so you can continue to be my bitch on here.

    Ah Cigary! You really really do like me.

    I would like to say it all does come naturally.


  18. #138
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    By the time cumgutgary here gets to 20 posts, your signature will be as long as one of George's eloquent posts!

    I think you have a friend
    "We're at NOW now... everything that's hapening now... is happening NOW!"

    ~ Col. Sanders ~

    "I guess all we need to do now is give a shit what you think. I'll work on that."

    ~ ashauler ~

  19. #139
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    Well, obviously learning both the quote and ignore functions is too difficult for you cumchugary. Somehow I doubt you are trying to use both of those.

  20. #140


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