Quote Originally Posted by Corvin View Post
I'm going to guess that the cigars in the picture are real.
Hey - I can show you pictures of cigars and other "real" things too!

Quote Originally Posted by Corvin View Post
That said, I'm also going to guess that webworm13 doesn't actually posses the cigars in the picture.

If webworm13 would like to prove that he has the cigars then simply post a new picture, one that we can see you, holding a copy of today's edition of the local newspaper, and a note with your usename and the site name.
I can also make you a "real" picture of webwormdude holding whatever you'd like him to hold!

Quote Originally Posted by Corvin View Post
If you can do that I'd pickup the sealed box for $150, you pay shipping.
Buy 'em off of Craig's List - I'm "torpedoing" this sale.