Quote Originally Posted by WinstonSpencer View Post
Will, do you have a recipe for the pickles you wouldn't mind sharing?
I lived in PA for a short while - most of my family is up there. Two things I don't see much in Texas - canning and basements. My favorite canned food experience was pickled deer heart. So good.

Craig - from a fellow runner - positive energy coming your way. I'm sure it'll be a helluva experience for you.
Here is my recipe, and I just grabbed it from the internet, and modified slightly for second batch:

7 wide mouth quart jars with rings / fresh lids
Fresh dill heads and several stems (2-3 single packs, or a bushel)
15-20 cucumbers. It's nice when they're the right length, but you can cut them up to fit. 6-8" long ideal.
Garlic ~ 3-4 pieces per jar (or more, the way I like) Maybe 2 bulbs will get you through

8 1/2 cups of water; 2 1/4 cups white vinegar; 1/2 cup of pickling salt
Sauce pan to simmer lids, and get the rubber soft. doesn't need to boil
Dill / garlic on bottom of washed jars; cukes; dill and garlic top
Pour brine to 1/2" head space on top. Apply lids and finger tight rings.

Submerge jars; 180-185 degrees F for about 30min. Try to avoid over 185, as it softens the cukes.

That's it. Takes me about 1.5hours with the big ass 70,000 btu beer burner. expect longer for a regular stove.
